Published on February 7, 2008 By Hyun.143 In Entertainment
Hey, Im not really sure on what category should i put this on. This is just a quiz and i thought this would be fun so i put it on the entertainment.

How Real Are You? Thats the quiz about. It will give the results on how real are you?

You Are 59% Real

You're pretty real with people, but you can't help hiding a good part of yourself.
You're not truly happy with who you are at times... and believe it or not, it shows.
Try not to hide parts of your life from the people who matter to you.
Your friends and family are probably a lot more accepting than you realize!

This is the result shows for 59% real..thats quite bad So what about you guys? Have fun and make sure you choose "HTML (fixed for Livejournal/Blogspot)" for the results.

on Feb 07, 2008
I got the exact same as you did.

on Feb 07, 2008
Hmm, 78% for me.
on Feb 08, 2008
I couldn't access your link.
on Feb 11, 2008

WWW Link

That's the link ^^ I hope it works now