Published on February 5, 2008 By Hyun.143 In Writing

My youth group are making a trip to Wales, UK. I really, really want to go. Most of my friends told me that it was really fun last year, it is called NEEC (Northern England Easter Conference). They told me that all from the northern england church will also be on the trip. They told me that it was really fun and they made new friends.

However, my parents won't let me go, just because its really far away from our place which is Manchester. I gave all the reasons that i had thought but still all the excuses given to me is more stronger Such as im still a young girl, can't really take care of myself, if i am in trouble i can't realy do something as i havent been there and also my english is quite poor *this is quite true*..etc. I havent tell them yet that we have to pay for it , £75 for 4 days

I told them one of the strong reasons that i thought would make them change their mind, and this excuse is what my youth leader told me. It is that during this trip we will learn more about God and worship Him...and lots more; all about God!.

However, they still refused, My parents and me were not quite religious and they are still right now..they just busy with their own work. Luckily, God made me realize more about Him since i came to UK, thanks to this boy, that talks about his church and how fun it is in his youth group. Then i asked him to bring me there, and now, i love God more than ever!!

That trip will be in Wales, in country side. It looks really good at the picture that was taken by my friend. I really want to go!! It will be in my easter holiday and its coming soon but my parents would'nt let me go!! But i will keep trying and trying...hope i success =D english is quite poor - *my english teacher always told me that*

on Feb 05, 2008

Eh, your English isn't too bad.  I know native speakers that write worse.

So where are you originally from?  I'm guessing an Asian country...but there are several.  However your blog name, "hyun-jung" looks that would be my guess.


on Feb 05, 2008
Hyun Jung? thats not my real name..yeah, it is korean name, i have this korean friend and told me that thats name suit me

Well, I am from Brunei. My dad is a malay and my mom is a chinese. I don't think you would know that country cause since i came to UK..I never met anyone that knows that country HAHA

And also thanks about my english that you said that it isn't that bad...I am practicing now on writing more using english.
on Feb 05, 2008
Ah...Brunei, huh? That's on the South China Sea and is apparently surrounded by and cut in half by Malaysia.

I actually had no clue that it existed...I had to look it up. So, I guess I learned something new today.   

on Feb 06, 2008
So, I guess I learned something new today.


I actually had no clue that it existed...I had to look it up

I told you no one knows it